鈴木ヒロキ プロフィール / Hiroki Suzuki Profile
その他の活動として、全編貼り絵で描かれたマンガ『CUT and PASTE』を不定期で発行・販売しています(休止中)。また、個人メディア『英語の違い図鑑』を運営しています。
取引実績:avex、幻冬社、講談社、ソニーミュージックアーティスツ、ベネッセコーポレーション、トイズファクトリー、日産自動車、PARCO、有斐閣、LIFULL など(五十音順敬称略)
Hiroki Suzuki: Illustrator. After graduating from Musashino Art University, he worked in a design office and started his freelance career.
The characteristics of His illustration is using paper texture. He has two types of drawing style, Real and Simple. His fields are fashion, business and education.
取引実績:avex、幻冬社、講談社、ソニーミュージックアーティスツ、ベネッセコーポレーション、トイズファクトリー、日産自動車、PARCO、有斐閣、LIFULL など(五十音順敬称略)
Hiroki Suzuki: Illustrator. After graduating from Musashino Art University, he worked in a design office and started his freelance career.
The characteristics of His illustration is using paper texture. He has two types of drawing style, Real and Simple. His fields are fashion, business and education.
He published the zine ‘CUT and PASTE’ for personal. It is the cartoon book. All stories are made of paper artwork.
Inquiry form (for English)